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Grasshopper Courses @ Politecnico Di Milano

Politecnico Di Milano – Milano Campus

GrassHopper Course – Basic to Intermediate Level


Grasshopper Essentials_Level # 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 22th Feb,2013

Grasshopper Beginners_Level # 2 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 25th Feb,2013

Grasshopper Intermediate_Level # 3 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 27th Feb,2013


MILANO Campus – Edificio 3 – Aula OSVALDO DE DONATO Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 – 20133 – Milano (MI).


Ayman Wagdy Mohamed Ibrahim

Author of “New parametric workflow based on advanced day-lighting analysis”

M.Sc. Architecture – Architecture and society | Politecnico Di Milano


Level 1:

This level will begin with introduction about parametric design and it will show you how it is useful to make your design parametric rather than using conventional cad methods. You will learn how to deal with grasshopper and rhino interfaces, exploring how is the data flows through different components. Then you will learn how to use different geometrical components such as NURBS curves and surfaces for developing new design projects.

Level 2:

This level will continue what we began on Level 1. This level will make you understand how to control a bigger list of data, how to define attractors and creating dynamic patterns. You will learn how to analyze your design using algorithms in order to define the correct relations between design elements. You will learn as well the different conditional logics that we can use for designing a responsive elements and special paneling techniques.

Level 3:

This level will deal with controlling Data Tree and how to optimize the design solution based on a special criteria in order to get the best possible solution.You will learn how to connect Environmental analysis software “Ecotect” with (GECO) Plug-in for Grasshopper. We will explore different solutions using different logics where you will gain special expertise to handle any further development on your script. The final part will be dedicated to some fabrication aspects.


One day for each level. 9Am: 5PM


You need to reset your mind, prepare yourself to receive a new Knowledge. No need of any specific knowledge of Rhinoceros or Grasshopper.


The course will be presented in English.


In order to register,you will need to fill the Registration Form .


18th February 2013.


140 Euro per Level as a contribution fee for the course Administrations.

Organized by E.C.C. a group of Students in Politecnico di Milano..

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